Executive Head Teacher - Ruth Campbell
Head of School - Vikki Cripps
Telephone: 01903 276 860
e-mail: office@boundstonenursery.co.uk
Upper Boundstone Lane, Lancing, BN15 9QX
Daycare Sessions & Fees
Our Daycare facility provides childcare from the ages of 2 - 3 years, Monday - Friday from 8am to 5pm during term time only.
We require a minimum of three sessions a week (any combination of mornings or afternoons) for at least two terms, in order to allocate a place in Daycare.
We ask that anyone wishing to apply for a place with us comes for a visit to get to know us and our provision first. We can then answer any queries you have and talk you through the application process.
You can apply for a Nursery School place for when your child turns 3 at the same time as applying for Daycare. We offer breakfast, lunch and after school sessions as part of our wrap around care for over 3's. Please ask Reception for more details.
Applications for a place in Daycare will be processed within approximately two months of us receiving them and we will do our best to offer you the sessions of your choice. We will contact you to either offer you the sessions requested or to advise you that your details have been added to a waiting list.
Please contact us if you have any questions or your details change.
Our Session Times are as follows (per day):
8am - 1pm (includes breakfast, snack and 2 course hot lunch)
1pm - 5pm (includes snack and tea)
8am - 5pm (includes breakfast, dinner, tea, mid morning & afternoon snacks)
PDF copies of our Admissions Policy and Fees policy are available to download from the Policies section of our website here
2 Year Funded Sessions
If you are applying for a 2 year funded place, please note the following session options before completing the form:
Term Time Only 5 x morning sessions: Monday - Friday, 9am - 12pm
Term Time Only 5 x afternoon sessions: Monday - Friday, 1pm - 4pm
Please note there are only a very limited amount of places available throughout the year - please ask us about current availability.
For more details about the 2 year funding scheme, please click here.