Executive Head Teacher - Ruth Campbell
Head of School - Vikki Cripps
Telephone: 01903 276 860
e-mail: office@boundstonenursery.co.uk
Upper Boundstone Lane, Lancing, BN15 9QX
At Boundstone we recognise that all children are unique individuals.
Between birth to five years old they are the most competent learners they will ever be; we respect this
and follow their lead, using our training, experience and skills to support and strengthen their learning.
At Boundstone sensitive, trusting and warm relationships lie at the heart of effective learning and teaching and we place equal importance on the physical, emotional and cognitive development of the children in our care.
Our learning environment is rich, multisensory, accessible and engaging, both indoors and out and is always being developed. Planning for learning takes into account individual interests, learning styles and needs, based around an ongoing cycle of observation and assessment. Children are encouraged to take risks, and learn that it's okay to make mistakes - in fact, it is often through making mistakes that the deepest learning takes place.
We have captured our curriculum approach in a one page document below. It is being continually refined over the course of this year to reflect the views of our whole community. We hope that this will give families a strong sense of what we want your child to gain from their time at Boundstone, what this will look like on a daily basis and how we know that we are making a difference to your child.
All schools and Ofsted-registered early years’ providers must follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which is a document that sets out standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old (i.e. from Daycare/Nursery School through until the end of their Reception year at Primary school).
The EYFS framework gives all professionals a set of common principles and commitments to ensure quality early education and childcare for all children, and means that parents and carers can be confident that their child will benefit from consistent principles and commitments to their learning and development.
There are 7 key areas of learning and development covered by the EYFS:
3 Prime Areas, which are particularly important for encouraging children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their ability to learn, thrive and develop relationships. These are:
Communication & Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Children must also be supported in 4 specific areas, through which the prime areas are strengthened and applied.
These specific areas are:
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts & Design
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

If you are interested in finding out more about the EYFS and other information relating to early learning then click the button below to be directed to the Foundation Years website
British Values
The fundamental British Values are:
Rule of law
Individual liberty
Mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths
At Boundstone this might be seen as follows:
Democracy: Making decisions together; Child initiated activity; making choices such as during snack time or choosing a story; "Do I want to be inside or outside?"; playing group games and learning that everyone has a choice in how the games progress
Rule of law: Understanding that rules matter; Helping children to develop self control and considering other people’s feelings; Children contribute to rules such as ‘we use kind hands’ and 'we all help at tidy up time'.
Individual Liberty: Freedom for all to make choices; Building positive self esteem; Encouraging children to have their own ideas; Promoting independence and self help skills; Learning to respect each other and our differences; Allowing children to take risks.
Mutual respect and tolerance: Treat others as you would want to be treated; Exploring different festivals; Taking part in the local community; Being kind to each other and finding ways to play together.