Executive Head Teacher - Ruth Campbell
Head of School - Vikki Cripps
Telephone: 01903 276 860
e-mail: office@boundstonenursery.co.uk
Upper Boundstone Lane, Lancing, BN15 9QX
Daycare (from 2 to 3 years)
Daycare at Boundstone offers a stimulating, happy and safe environment with dedicated professionals who support the learning and development of your child.
We are currently able to accommodate up to 8 fee paying children per session aged 2 - 3 years during term time only. Additionally we have 4 morning/4 afternoon spaces for children in receipt of 2yr old Free Entitlement which are also available during term time only.
Daycare Sessions & Fees Timetable
We require that children attend for a minimum of two sessions per week, spread over at least two days a week.
The Daycare facility is open between 8.00am - 5.00pm except for Bank Holidays. We are also closed for up to 5 days during the year for staff training.
If you would be interested in finding out more or would like to come and look round, please call 01903 276860 and ask to speak to Lynn (Administrator).