Executive Head Teacher - Ruth Campbell
Head of School - Vikki Cripps
Telephone: 01903 276 860
e-mail: office@boundstonenursery.co.uk
Upper Boundstone Lane, Lancing, BN15 9QX
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I apply for a place in the SSC?
As a specialist part of our provision the children attending our SSC do not go through our normal admissions process. In order to be considered for a place in the SSC a child must be referred by a Speech and Language Therapist. Referrals are reviewed by a considerations panel who will look at the recommendations from professionals to determine whether a child would benefit from the support offered by the SSC. The considerations panel will typically consist of: the Head Teacher; the SENCO; Speech and Language Therapists; the SSC teacher; an Educational Psychologist. They will make decisions based on the information provided by professionals and how effectively children will be able to access the SSC provision within the context of the wider Nursery.
We don’t live near the SSC. How will I get my child to nursery each day?
Children who live over two miles from the nursery are eligible for taxi transport provided by the Local Authority. A driver and escort travel with the children, taking them from their home and escorting them to the Rainbow Room, then collecting them from nursery to take them home. All escorts and drivers are DBS checked.
Can we visit the nursery before we make a decision?
Yes, we encourage families who are considering a referral to the SSC to visit the nursery to see how the provision operates. Please contact the nursery on 01903 276860 and we will can book you an appointment for a show round.
Why should my child attend the SSC at Boundstone instead of our local nursery?
Your child has been identified by a Speech and Language Therapist as a child who would benefit from more regular speech and language therapy input than can be provided in your local clinic. Your child will be supported by SLTs and specialist staff who are experienced in working with children with speech and language needs, receiving therapy sessions several times a week and being supported to carry over new speech and language skills when playing in the nursery.
Attending the SSC will ensure that your child’s speech and language needs will be identified early in order to plan for any additional support and provision they may require when starting school.
My child really enjoys attending the local nursery. Can he/she continue to attend it?
Yes. Some families decide to send/continuing sending their child to their local nursery in addition to the SSC. The first 15 hours of your child’s Free Entitlement funding would cover the SSC place only. Any additional hours (either at Boundstone or another setting) would either be covered by paying an additional fee or through the extended 30 Hours Free Entitlement offer for eligible families.
Why have other referrals been made?
Your SLT will ask your permission to make other referrals in addition to the SSC referral:
Child Development Centre – your child will be seen by a Paediatrician to assess his/her general development and communication skills in order to ensure that the SSC is the most appropriate setting for your child.
Other specific professional advice to support your child's access to the Nursery
What if my child isn’t offered a place in the SSC?
There are only 16 places available in the SSC. If your child isn’t offered a place, they will continue to attend speech and language therapy in the local community clinic. Their nursery will be able to access the Speech and Language Support Service (SALSS) who provide advice and training to nursery staff in order to support a child’s speech and language development.