Executive Head Teacher - Ruth Campbell
Head of School - Vikki Cripps
Telephone: 01903 276 860
e-mail: office@boundstonenursery.co.uk
Upper Boundstone Lane, Lancing, BN15 9QX
Communication & Language
We aim to provide a rich language environment where children have plenty of opportunities to develop the ways in which they express themselves. In doing so they are able to build their confidence in communicating, speaking and listening in a range of ways and situations.
At Boundstone developing communication and language skills is about much more than just talking – we use visual aids and gesture to communicate, and support the use of Makaton signing as an additional means of communication throughout the nursery.
We play games that encourage listening skills and turn taking, share a variety of fiction and non fiction books and enjoy regular visits from the mobile library.
We aim to provide support for children who have English as a second or additional language by accessing books and resources from different cultures and providing opportunities for them to use the language/s spoken at home during play.
We have a specialised speech and language unit (our Special Support Centre) within the Nursery which supports 16 children who have been referred to us with significant language delays and disorders. This unit is integrated with the main nursery and overseen by their own teacher, with our two speech therapists working with the children one-to-one and in small group intensive therapy sessions three days a week.
There are three elements to the EYFS Communication and Language curriculum:
Listening and attention:
Ability to listen attentively in a range of different situations
Listens to stories and can accurately guess what may happen next
Responds to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions
Pays attention when others are speaking and responds appropriately whilst taking part in another activity e.g. is able to hold a simple conversation whilst playing a game, completing a puzzle
Is able to follow instructions involving multiple ideas or actions e.g. “Please put your coat on and go outside to your Key Carer.”
Can answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their own experiences and when discussing stories and events
Is able to express themselves effectively, showing awareness of their listeners’ needs
Can use past, present and future forms accurately when talking about events
Makes connections between ideas and events to tell their own ‘stories’